How do I get journal articles?
You may use the library's databases or Summon (which allows you to search the full text of most of our e-books and electronic journals with a single search) to look for articles on a topic. Curtis Laws Wilson Library must limit access to our databases to the Missouri S&T user community--students, faculty, and staff--because of licensing restrictions. You can use our proxy server to gain remote access to these resources. When you try to access one of the library's databases, the proxy server will ask for a username and password. Your username will be the first part of your Missouri S&T email address (the part before the; the password is your university password.
Some of the databases provide the entire text of the article electronically, or they may link you to the full text of the article in another source. Click on to see if the full text is available elsewhere. You may also go to the library webpage, click on "A-Z Electronic Journals", and search on a journal name to see if full text for a particular journal is available electronically. If the article you need is not available in full text, you can get a copy of the arti‌cle by submitting a request to our Interlibrary Loan department using ILLiad, the interlibrary loan request system. One way to submit an interlibrary loan request is by clicking on the "Get it! @ MST" button and then selecting the "submit a request" option.
To receive an article, select the link that says "Article" from the ILLiad Main Menu and fill in the form provided. Articles will be delivered to you electronically. You will be notified by email when your article arrives and is sent to a secure site for you to view or download.