How do I get books from Curtis Laws Wilson Library and other Missouri academic libraries?


Search the MERLIN library catalog to locate books available at Curtis Laws Wilson Library. By changing the drop down menu next to the search box in the catalog to "All MERLIN," you can also search the other University of Missouri system campus libraries. To request a book from any of these libraries, click on the "Request" button and choose the campus email username option. Then fill in your Missouri S&T username and password. Make sure to designate Missouri S&T as the pickup location when you request the book. Also, in the "Any Special Instructions?" section of the request screen, enter "Distance Student" and your mailing address. When the book is available to check out, we will send you an email noting that the book has arrived. Please reply to the message, again indicating that you are a distance student and supplying your street address so we can use UPS or FEDEX to send the book to you. We will send it to you free of charge, although the item must be returned to us at your own expense.

Some materials cannot be checked out. Reference books do not circulate and cannot be requested from the library. Entire issues of journals also cannot be requested because of the time and money required for shipping.

If Curtis Laws Wilson Library doesn't own the book you need, you can check out books from the other libraries through MOBIUS, a shared catalog listing the holdings of over 70 libraries in the state of Missouri. Requesting a book from other libraries is easy--when searching the catalog, just click on "Request". If asked which cluster you belong to, select "MERLIN". If you live in Missouri, you can select one of the clusters other than MERLIN for delivery and have the item shipped to one of the libraries in that cluster for you to pick up. For example, if you live in Springfield, you can select the SWAN cluster and have the book you need sent to the library at one of the local colleges for pick up. (A complete list of the MOBIUS clusters and their libraries is available on the MOBIUS Members page.) You will need your Missouri S&T student number and a picture ID to pick up and check out the requested item. If you don't live near one of the MOBIUS member libraries, designate Missouri S&T as the pickup location when you request the book. When you receive the email notice indicating that the book is available to check out, reply to the message indicating that you are a distance student and include your street address so we can ship it to you. Due dates for books requested will be listed on a band around the cover of the book.

All materials should be returned by the due date in order to avoid overdue book charges. If you need to keep your books longer, they may be renewed online using the MERLIN library catalog, as long as you don't have any overdue items or fines. To renew items, click on the "My Library Account" link in the catalog and fill in the form provided. If you have overdue items or fines, you should contact Circulation to request a renewal. Items may be renewed twice.

Sometimes materials may be recalled before their due date if requested by others. If items are recalled, students will be notified by email to their Missouri S&T email account, and fines will accrue if items are not returned by the recall date. Usually at least one week is provided to return the item. Students may call (573) 341-4008 or email Circulation if they have difficultly returning recalled items on time, and reasonable accommodations may be made to account for shipping time.

All books requested will be mailed to you at the library's expense. Students who live near a library that is part of MOBIUS may turn in books to that library to avoid shipping charges. Otherwise, you must return book(s) to Curtis Laws Wilson Library at your own expense. Shipments must be insured and trackable. Items should be sent to:

Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Circulation Department
400 W. 14th St.
Rolla, MO 65409-0060

  • Last Updated Jan 26, 2022
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Roger Weaver

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