What is the Profile Form and what information does it contain?


The Profile Form is the biographical information about you. It is comprised of sections for reporting information that generally does not change frequently. The The Profile Form consists of the following sections:

  • Personal Information - The information in this section was fed directly from Human Resources. If the locked fields require corrections, see the instructions at the top of the Profile form for campus-specific guidelines on how to change your information. Once processed in HR, updates to this section of myVITA will be updated within two business days.
  • Contact Information - The information in this section was fed directly from Human Resources. If the locked fields require corrections, see the instructions at the top of the Profile form for campus-specific guidelines on how to change your information. Once processed in HR, updates to this section of myVITA will be updated within two business days.
  • Current University Position - The information in this section was fed directly from Human Resources. If the locked fields require corrections, see the instructions at the top of the Profile form for campus-specific guidelines on how to change your information. Once processed in HR, updates to this section of myVITA will be updated within two business days.
  • External Facing Website Options - Currently myVITA is populating sections of UM Faculty Scholar with records found in the Activities section. To better understand which sections and records within myVITA are affected, please see this link for more information:
  • Degrees - Accredited Degrees entered in this section should be from a regionally accredited institution or be recognized by a country's ministry of education. Honorary degrees should be entered in the "Honors, Awards, and Recognitions" section.
  • Professional Licensures and Certification - This section is to report your professional licensures and certifications. FAS records were transferred to this section. 
  • Researcher IDs - If you have Researcher identification numbers, such as ORCiD or Scopus Author ID, you may choose to enter them here.
  • Areas of Interest and Expertise - You may choose to list your areas of interest in this section. Entering information here will allow faculty to search for colleagues with similar interests.
  • Professional Memberships - This section is a place to record your professional memberships. If you served in a leadership role then you can report that information in the section named "Service to Your Profession" which is located in the Activities form.
  • Work and Professional Experience - This section is a place to report your academic and administrative work experience. Note: Faculty should not include committee work or chairships in this section.  That activity belongs in the Activity Form under University Committees.
  • Military Experience - This section is designed for you to describe your assignments, experience, accomplishments, and success during your military career. You may also elect to report military service in "Work and Professional Experience".
  • Teaching Statement and Overview - Briefly summarize, in lay terms, the difference your efforts have made in the area of teaching. Your statement(s) should state accomplishments and their benefits to society.
  • Research Statement and Overview -  Briefly summarize, in lay terms, the difference your efforts have made in the area of research. Your statement should state accomplishments and their benefits to society.
  • Service Statement and Overview - Briefly summarize, in lay terms, the difference your efforts have made in the area of service. Your statement(s) should state accomplishments and their benefits to society.
  • Impact Statements: Personal and Career - These sections are optional. We recommend you use lay terms to describe your Personal and/or Career impact statements. Your statement should state accomplishments and their benefits to society. Former FAS Users: You may notice that some formatting you included in your FAS record such as special characters and carriage returns did not transfer to myVITA.  Please feel free to modify/edit those records as needed.
  • Biography - Information entered here may be used for a biosketch such that you might use for presenting at a conference or posting to a department website.
  • Curriculum Vitae (Uploaded file) - This section provides a place for you to store a CV for reference. Uploading a CV here does not automatically transfer information into sections in myVITA.

If you used FAS (the previous faculty reporting system), records were transferred for you from Degrees, Professional Licensures, Areas of Interest, Professional Memberships, Honors and Awards, Work History, and Impact Statements.

Personal Information, Contact Information, and Current University Position information has been transferred for you from Human Resources. 

  • If you notice errors in the locked fields in these sections of the Profile Form, this information can be changed.
  • Once processed in HR, updates to this section of myVITA will be updated within two business days.
  • If you want to correct your home or cell phone numbers, you can change this setting in myHR “Personal Info” and “Employee Data.” Click here to access myHR.
  • If other information needs to be corrected (such as name, title, etc.) Human Resources on your campus can assist you in correcting it.

Attached below is a Quick Reference Guide produced by UM System. 


  • Last Updated Feb 03, 2021
  • Views 77
  • Answered By Roger Weaver

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