What is the Faculty Workload Distribution Form and how do I complete it?
The Faculty Workload Distribution Form is required for all campuses and represents the faculty member’s responsibilities within their department. Here are a few thing to remember about this form.
- It is up to each unit to decide how each of these sections will apply to their faculty’s activities.
- A consistent interpretation should be used within departments or colleges.
- There is not a requirement to use the same interpretation across the entire campus.
- Current faculty workload percentages are listed on the myVITA Annual Evaluation CV just above the “Courses Taught” section. You can view this document by clicking on the eyeball icon next to the faculty member’s name on the previous screen.
- Enter values as percentages in whole numbers. Do not use decimals.
- Do not include the % character.
- You should attach any written agreements between the faculty member and the department.
Section B - Status Update is an optional area for you to enter comments. Please note that if there are no changes from the previous year's distribution of responsibilities, please type "No Change" in the "Status Update" box in Section B. If there are no changes to the workload distribution from the previous year leave the rest of the form blank.
Section C - Semester: The Semester section indicates the period covered by the Faculty Workflow Distribution Form. You can indicate an ongoing workload status by leaving the semester and year end dates blank.
Section D - Teaching: The Teaching section indicates the percent distribution of the faculty’s teaching responsibilities. Please complete all applicable areas. Comments are optional.
Section E - Research: The Research section indicates the percent distribution of the faculty member’s research responsibilities. Please complete all applicable areas. Comments are optional.
Section F Service: The Service section indicates the percent distribution of the faculty members service responsibilities. Please complete all applicable areas. Comments are optional.
Section G - Administrative Activity: The Administrative Activity section indicates the percent distribution of the faculty members administrative responsibilities. Please complete all applicable areas. Comments are optional.
Section H - Total: The Total section indicates the total percent distribution of all the faculty member’s responsibilities. This is calculated for you and must equal 100. If it does not equal 100 you will need to make adjustments. Comments are optional.
Section I - Attachments/URLs: The attachments section allows you to attach additional supporting documents to the Workload Distribution Form. To attach a file simply click the “Upload File” button and select the file you wish to attach. You can add additional files by clicking the “Add Another” button.
Section I is the last section on the Faculty Workflow Distribution Form. Remember to scroll down to access additional parts of the evaluation process which includes the link to the S&T Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty form.
Let’s take a moment to discuss the difference between Section I - Attachments /URLs and Section J - Attachments. Section I contains attachments to the Faculty Workload Distribution Form while Section J contains attachments to the entire evaluation process. When you complete the Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form you will see a third attachment section for that form. This can be confusing and could result in attaching documents incorrectly. Please make certain to attach documents related to the Faculty Workload Distribution Form in Section I.
Before continuing to the Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form it is recommended that you save your work. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the window. You will be returned to the “View Faculty” page where you can click the “Evaluate” button to return the this window.
When you are ready to proceed to the next form click the link labeled S&T Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form.