What is the S&T Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form and how do I Complete it?


The S&T Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form is used to evaluate faculty performance. According to CRR 310.015 Procedures for Review of Faculty Performance, ratings must be recorded as either "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory." If your department's ratings differ from this, please use the comment boxes on this form to explain. If any unsatisfactory ratings are recorded in any area, a face-to-face meeting with the faculty member must occur. To comply with policy, you must select either "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" for each activity included in the faculty member's assigned workload, and select "Not Applicable" for any area not within the assigned workload. If your department/unit has modified this rating system, please mark "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory", then place the modified rating in the Ratings Comments box with an explanation of your ratings system.  If a developmental plan has been finalized, please attach it to this form. 

To attach any additional documentation, scroll to the bottom of this form below the signature box and upload your files one at a time. Save the form when you are done to return to the "Listing of Faculty Being Evaluated" page.

Section B Evaluation Ratings of Annual Activities contains ratings and comments for:

  • Teaching
  • Research/scholarship/creative activity
  • Service
  • Administration, and
  • Overall rating 

To comply with policy, you must select either "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" for each activity included in the faculty member's assigned workload, and select "Not Applicable" for any area not within the assigned workload. If your department/unit has modified this rating system, you should mark "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory", then place the modified rating in the Ratings Comments box with an explanation of your ratings system.  If a developmental plan has been finalized, please remember to attach it to this form.

Section C - Evaluation Complete: This section consists of several statements designed to insure that you have completed all the requirements of the evaluation. The statements and their appropriate responses are:

  • I have reviewed this faculty member's myVITA Annual Evaluation CV. Please answer Yes or No.
  • I have met with this faculty member to discuss this annual evaluation. Please answer Yes, No, or Not Applicable. Remember that you are required to meet with the faculty member if there is an unsatisfactory rating in the evaluation. If you answer yes please provide the date of the meeting. If you answered No or Not Applicable please explain your response in the comment box.
  • I have discussed Promotion and Tenure with the faculty member, if applicable. Answer Yes, No, or Not Applicable. 
  • I have attached all documentation related to this annual evaluation below. Answer Yes or No. If you answer no please explain why in the Attachment Notes.

Section D - Electronic Signature: Type your name here.  This indicates that you have completed and accept the evaluation of the faculty member and are ready to submit it.

Section E - Attachments/URLs: This section allows you to attach additional supporting documents to the S&T Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form. To attach a file simply click the “Upload File” button and select the file you wish to attach. You can add additional files by clicking the “Add Another” button. 

Do not click the Faculty Workload Distribution Form link until you save your work using the Save button below Section F. Clicking on the Faculty Workload Distribution link will return you to the Faculty Workload Distribution Form.

Let’s take a moment to discuss the difference between Section E - Attachments/URLs  and Section F - Attachments. Section E contains attachments to the S&T Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form. Section F contains attachments to the entire evaluation process. 

Click the “Save” button to save the S&T Annual Evaluation Chair Review of Faculty Form. Cancel will close the form without saving changes you may have made. Clicking “Save” or “Cancel” will return you to the View Faculty page. 

  • Last Updated Feb 04, 2021
  • Views 18
  • Answered By Roger Weaver

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