Projector Check-Out Policy
Projectors will check out for 24 hours at a time. They are not eligible for renewal. If library services are closed on the day the item would be due, the due date automatically moves to the next day that library services are open.
Projectors will check out for 24 hours at a time. They are not eligible for renewal. If library services are closed on the day the item would be due, the due date automatically moves to the next day that library services are open.
Courtesy, Overdue, Fines, and Billing notices are all scheduled to automatically go out at 6am everyday (which results in some weird time limits on a 24 hour checkout in order to make the notices automated).
Courtesy Notice
The morning of the day that the projector is due, the patron will receive an email that includes a list of anything they have checked out with a similar loan rule (currently only laptops and projectors, but should soon include all reserve-type and non-traditional items) that reads:
The following item(s) are approaching their due date.
Please review your account at to see your current check-outs and due dates.
Overdue Notices
8 hours after the due date (this ensures that even if the projector is due at 8pm, they will get the notice the next morning), the patron will receive an email that reads:
Our records show the items listed below are now overdue and should be returned or renewed. You may renew items online at:
Questions? Please call the Curtis Laws Wilson Library Service Desk at (573) 341-4008. Thank you.
The following day (32 hours overdue), the patron will receive an email that reads:
Our records show the items listed below are now long overdue and
Two days after that (80 hours overdue), the laptop will move to billed status and the patron will receive an email that reads:
Our records show the item(s) listed below are long overdue. Please return the items and report any lost or damaged items to the Circulation Department. You will be billed for the replacement of any items that are not returned within 5 business days. A hold will be placed on your campus student account and your library account will be blocked.
Questions? Please call the Curtis Laws Wilson Library Service Desk (573) 341-4008. Thank you.
The grace period for projector checkouts is 1 hour. This means that if the projector is turned in 1 hour late, the fine will be forgiven. After that, fines will be assessed at $5 / hour, including the first hour it was overdue. Fines will accrue at that rate ($5/hour or $120/day) until they reach actual replacement cost of the projector.
When fines are assessed, the patron will receive an email listing the fines that reads:
*** Overdue Fine Notice ***
This fine is for overdue Library materials. You may pay this charge via Student Charge at the Missouri S&T Library Circulation Desk (current students only) or online at
Questions? Please call the Curtis Laws Wilson Library Service Desk at (573) 341-4008. Thank you.
If a bill is assessed for damage or long overdue, the patron will receive an email listing the billed cost (including $25 processing fee) that reads:
This is a bill for lost or overdue library materials. You may pay this charge via Student Charge at the Missouri S&T Library Circulation Desk (current ​students only) or online at If you have any questions concerning this fee, please call the MS&T Library Service Desk at (573) 341-4008.
If a patron has placed a hold on a projector, they will be put in line to receive one when it becomes available. When that hold is triggered, the patron will receive an email that reads:
Your requested item(s) is ready for pickup. If not picked up by the date listed below, your item will be removed from the hold shelf and made available to the next patron.
Questions? Please call the Curtis Laws Wilson Library Service Desk at (573) 341-4008. Thank you.
If they do not pick up the projector after 1 library service day, the hold will expire and the patron will receive an email that reads:
Your hold on this item at the Missouri S&T Library has now expired or been cancelled. If you still want this item, please place a new hold on it.
Questions? Please call the Curtis Laws Wilson Library Service Desk at (573) 341-4008. Thank you.
Associated cables will still follow the old loan rule with the $1/hour fine, capped at $2, counting on the projector fines to encourage their return as well.