Why is Research Data Management Important?


Research generates large quantities of data. This data not only needs to be processed and analyzed, it needs to be managed.

Many funding agencies now require Data Management Plans to be submitted with grant proposals. These plans must explain how the researcher plans to manage the data generated by the research, addressing issues like security, version control, documentation, ownership and access, preservation, and sharing. If long term preservation and sharing is desired, the researcher must choose an appropriate repository to host it. 

Research data management is important because: 

  • It helps you be organized and find your files in the future including documenting your processes for your own recollection
  • It allows better reproducibility of research and data  and version control of data
  • Preserving your data is important, so planning ahead for any eventuality will avoid data lose and not hinder sharing your data
  • External funding agencies may require you to share your data and publications

Well managed data can:

  • Increases the impact and visibility of research 
  • Promotes innovation and potential re-use of data
  • Lead to new collaborations between data users and creators
  • Maximize transparency and accountability
  • Enable scrutiny of research findings
  • Encourage improvement and validation of research methods
  • Reduce cost of duplicating data collection
  • Provide important resources for education and training


  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2023
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Roger Weaver

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