What is Research Data?


Research data is any information that has been collected, observed, generated or created to validate original research findings. Research data may be arranged or formatted in a such a way as to make it suitable for communication, interpretation and processing. Data comes in many formats, both digital and physical.

Common collection modes include:

Observational Data: Data captured in real-time, usually irreplaceable. (Examples: sensor data, telemetry, survey data, or sample data such as neuroimages)
Experimental Data: Data from lab equipment, often reproducible, but can be expensive to replace. (Examples: sequences, chromatograms, or toroidal magnetic field data)
Simulation Data: Data generated from test models where model and metadata are more important than output data. (Examples: climate models or economic models)
Derived or Compiled Data: Data created by combining and processing existing raw data. (Examples: text and data mining, compiled database, 3D models, or 
data gathered from public documents)
Other Data: Includes video, sound, text data, or other data types as long as it is used for systematic analysis. (Examples: collection of video interviews use to gather and identify responses, audio interviews, or written documents)


  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2023
  • Views 17
  • Answered By Roger Weaver

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