Employee Roles and Responsibilities

Employees work in multiple location in the library performing a variety of tasks. Click to view more detail about the roles and tasks of library employees. 


Reference/Research Librarians - Reference/Research librarians are the main points of contact for research assistance. They help faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students with how to conduct research, utilize search engines, and find the information they are looking for. Sherry focuses on Humanities and Social Sciences, while Ellen specializes in STEM.

ILL - InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is a service the library provides to get materials from other libraries around the world. While most patrons will deal with a subset of ILL (MERLIN and MOBIUS), patrons can request items such as books or articles through the ILL system. Scott oversees ILL, Dan assists with Lending (items sent from S&T), and Josh assists with Borrowing (items requested by S&T). 

Cataloging - Cataloging entails the classification and acquisition of items in the library. If new items are added to the collection, items need to be altered, or if information needs to be updated in the system, it’s typically Cataloging’s responsibility. Stephanie and Becky handle most of the cataloging needs of the library.

Circulation Staff - Circulation staff includes all of the individuals who operate the Circulation Desk. This includes Dan, Marsha, and Josh, as well as a majority of the student workers. Their job is to assist patrons with their requests, including finding materials, answering questions, and addressing any concerns.

Scholars’ Mine - Scholars' Mine is an online collection of scholarly and creative works produced by the faculty, staff, and students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology. This digital repository is a service of Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources. Scholars’ Mine is managed by Nancy, and is located on the third floor. 

Administrative Office - The administrative office is located next to the IT Help Desk, and contains Roger and Oliver’s offices. 


  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2022
  • Views 17
  • Answered By Roger Weaver

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